
get hosted
 New SSP Discord
Tuesday March 1st, 2022
Quick update that the Starsiege Players discord has moved servers, so head on over and join the (new) fray. Oh, and make sure you grab the Starsiege Installer and have a read through the beautiful web-based Compendium while you're at it.
 How to install and run Starsiege in 2020
Tuesday May 19th, 2020
5 years after Hi-Rez Studios acquired the Tribes license from Garage Games in 2010, they decided to release all of the games in the Tribes universe, including Earthsiege, Earthsiege 2 and Starsiege for free. That's amazing, but... that was still 5 years ago and the master servers were long since dead (2008 was our last update).
But fear not! Jenetrix and Wilzuun's got you covered. Here's what you need to get Starsiege up and running in 2020.
Step 1. Download and install the latest build of the game that has some patches enabling it to run on Windows 10.
Step 2 (optional). Download and install the extras that contains skins, glide wrapper, BMP remap tool, and the original documentation.
Step 3. Replace the contents of your master servers (master.cs) with the following (last updated Dec 9, 2018):
// master.cs
// Last Updated 12/09/18
$Inet::Master1 = "IP:master1.starsiege.io:29000"; // Jenetrix's Master
$Inet::Master2 = "IP:master2.starsiege.pw:29000"; // Wilzuun's Master
$Inet::Master3 = "IP:master3.starsiege.io:29000"; // Jenetrix's Backup Master
// Legacy Master Servers
// $Inet::Master1 = "IP:ss1m1.masters.dynamix.com:29000";
// $Inet::Master2 = "IP:ss1m2.masters.dynamix.com:29000";
// $Inet::Master3 = "IP:ss1m3.masters.dynamix.com:29000";
$inet::IPBroadcast1 = "IP:broadcast:29001";
$inet::IPXBroadcast1 = "IPX:broadcast:29001";
# times here are in ms
$pref::maxConcurrentPings = 20;
$pref::pingTimeoutTime = 1500;
$pref::pingRetryCount = 2;
$pref::maxConcurrentRequests = 10;
$pref::requestTimeoutTime = 3000;
$pref::requestRetryCount = 2;
Step 4. Replace your addrbook.cs with the contents of this updated file, which contains a list of servers not currently broadcasting to current master servers (as of Apr 24, 2020). Create the addrbook.cs file if it doesn't exist in the root folder.
That's it! If you're stuck, visit the forum thread for more information or join the Discord channel if you're still stuck.
 Welcome back
Tuesday May 12th, 2020
For more than 12 years I've kept the Junkyard online as a resource for those in the Starsiege, Tribes and Halo communities as every once and a while, a vet will reach out to me and catch up on old times. Well, the SS community has gone one step further this time and really come together in a bid to band together for the game that brought us together.
Edit: The Junkyard Forums are also back online! Certain caveats apply - certain forums have been marked read only until I see a community need to turn them back on. Catch me on Discord below or PM me on the forums for details.
Join us.
 New Starsiege Master Servers
Thursday June 5th, 2008
Death-Strike brings word that a new master server has been put up for Starsiege - yes, the community is that dedicated. Editing of your Master.cs file and replacing its contents with those below will enable you to once again join the fray!
//Master is hosted by Eye.
$Inet::Master1 = "";
$Inet::Master2 = "IP:ss1m2.masters.dynamix.com:29000";
$Inet::Master3 = "IP:ss1m3.masters.dynamix.com:29000";
$inet::IPBroadcast1 = "IP:broadcast:29001";
$inet::IPBroadcast1 = "IP:broadcast:29001";
$inet::IPBroadcast2 = "IP:broadcast:29002";
$inet::IPBroadcast2 = "IP:";
$inet::IPBroadcast3 = "IP:";
$inet::IPBroadcast4 = "IP:";
$inet::IPBroadcast5 = "IP:";
$inet::IPBroadcast6 = "IP:";
$inet::IPBroadcast7 = "IP:";
# times here are in ms
$pref::maxConcurrentPings = 20;
$pref::pingTimeoutTime = 1500;
$pref::pingRetryCount = 2;
$pref::maxConcurrentRequests = 10;
$pref::requestTimeoutTime = 3000;
$pref::requestRetryCount = 2;
//$Inet::Master1 = "IP:ss1m1.masters.dynamix.com:29000"; // original
//$Inet::Master2 = "IP:ss1m2.masters.dynamix.com:29000"; // original
//$Inet::Master3 = "IP:ss1m3.masters.dynamix.com:29000"; // original
 Cyberstorm v.1.2 Released
Monday May 26th, 2008
The long awaited Cyberstorm v.1.2 project has finally been completed. The collaborative effort from several people (Crow!, Seraphim, borg_down, siopaomanX) was geared to make the Cybrids of Missionforce: Cyberstorm much more difficult to defeat in single player. More details and download links can be found below:
 More maintenance.
Saturday October 13th, 2007
We had to do some emergency maintenance on the site, and a few things might have broke. We apologize for the forums being down for so long, but we've got a more powerful home now, and we're ready to rock.
Due to the maintenance, however, we noticed some minor glitches. Please report any problems you have viewing the site in the comments.
Comments >>
 Server Maintenance
Monday August 6th, 2007
Please bear with us over the next few days as we perform some server maintenance. If you notice anything out of place, please let us know in the comments thread below.
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 Tribes 1 Master Server Goes the Way of Starsiege's
Saturday July 21st, 2007
Well, it was inevitable. Sierra announced earlier this week that it would end multiplayer support for 20 of its "heritage" titles, including Tribes 1, on August 16th. While this news, to some, may seem like the end of playing Tribes 1 online, Starsiege vets will remember the community fix that was put in place when Sierra ended Starsiege multiplayer support. To that end, Bloodyboots from our forums pointed out that a community run Tribes 1 multiplayer master server is already in the works, care of Tribes One.
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 Third Tournament Open for Registration
Tuesday May 29th, 2007
So you've been in our forum arcade and you think you're pretty good. You may have even been in one of our previous tournaments. Want to prove you've got the biggest kahuna's? Register for our Ball Breaker tournament - our first 8 player hub-bub that is sure to raise more than a few eye brows. Spots are limited, so get in while you can.
Update 06/13: The ball break tournament has been replaced with the Glop:Melee tournament, see this announcement for details.
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 The Last of SS:2845 Media
Thursday April 12th, 2007
The crowd has spoken and Trajan has answered, delivering a bunch of previously unreleased media. There's a little under a dozen new screenshots, and several handfuls of (mostly) unreleased development art. You can find them all by using our Quick Search Tool and the Gallery keywords, "The Last of 2845 Media", as well. Enjoy folks, that's all she wrote.
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First Aid
Army LDAC/11...
SS:2845 ATR ...
The GhostC2