Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: Heya -- I'm Dave "Fargo" Kosak and I'm the Creative Director for GameSpy's web network. I run a couple of the things that we do at GameSpy, the biggest right being our daily and weekly email newsletters. (You can subscribe to them right here: http://www.gamespy.com/asp/subscribe.shtm). Usually what I do is I get involved when we create something new and then gradually step away from it as the regualar crew takes over on a day to day basis -- for example, a couple of years ago I helped to turn GameSpy.com into a massive news and gaming information site--It's readership is five times that of the most popular gaming magazines. It's huge.
Gradually as it got off the ground I stepped aside and we found other folks to take over the day-to-day stuff. The immensely talented John "Warrior" Keefer now runs GameSpy.com (which has grown to be quite extensive!) and I pitch in where needed. I'm working on other top secret stuff right now that will be announced in the coming months, so stay tuned for more stuff from GameSpy.

Frans P. de Vries: Frans P. de Vries, aka. Xymph, co-founder and admin of 3D Gamers (www.3dgamers.com), news editor and filemeister at Blue's News (www.bluesnews.com).
Adam 'Barak' Perfect: My name is Adam Perfect (cue hundreds of jokes that are oh-so funny the first time

Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: My name is Anthony 'Rayn' Maio. I'm the site director of TribalWar.Com. My job is to try and keep an eye on everything that goes on with the site, and maintain general direction for our efforts. I'm a college student going into my fifth year at SUNY Binghamton. Currently I work as a Resident Assistant here in the Mohawk building, and I also bar tend as a summer job.
Brian Clair: Greetings, my name is Brian Clair and I'm the publisher for the Adrenaline Vault web site. As publisher I deal with everything from daily operations to business inquiries, reader feedback, promotions, etc.
John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: My real name is John Jensen, but most folks know me as rizzuh, or my older nickname, RzE. I'll be running the show at CS-Nation in a month or two as we update the site, until them I'm just a CS-Nation lacky.
Louis Wu: Louis Wu, part of the HBO team (and forum nanny).
Rob 'Keltic' Shea: My name is Rob Shea, aka Keltic. I am one of the two founders of Proving Grounds. Budd Wright (Jalis) and I designed and coded all of PG. We also manage the site.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: I’m Tyler “TySoft” Lott, and my primary job is in the IT field. On my spare time I do my duties over at PlanetTribes and sometimes actually find time to actually play Tribes 2.
Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: My name is Joscha Dzielak also known as fraGGle in the German Tribes community. I work for "Section 8 Artworks GmbH", a German company which developes communities, content management systems, secrue solutions for banks, 3d models, videos and so on. My main work is software developement and database design. (tJY: Some of fraGGle's answers have been edited slightly for clarity.)
Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: My name is Matt Martinez and I'm 17. I currently attend a strange high school in San Diego, California, which is my focus rather than a job.
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: Well, my name is Ben "Hypn0tik" Tamler. I am the owner of Tribes-Universe.com. I work full time in sales managment, and run the website afterhours.
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir, Software Editor at Voodoo Extreme. Basically, I write reviews and previews of games, occasionally do interviews, and post news during the late night shift when most of the other VE guys are getting their wang on with their mothers/pets.
