Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: I can't believe how much of my day is taken up with email! I try to answer everyone who writes a note to me personally about things I'm writing for GameSpy.com or our email newsletters. Then it's time to buckle down and write. I used to write three or more articles a week for GameSpy.com, but lately I've been focusing more on writing the daily newsletters. I also write a daily comic on GameSpy.com (the Daily Victim: http://www.gamespy.com/dailyvictim) which started off as a little experiment but seems to be getting a nice following. As the Creative Director I bounce from project to project, I like to be hands on. I usually devote a couple hours a day to refining plans for GameSpy's next project or brainstorming ideas for things to help the network run smoother.
How about everyone else at GameSpy? Well, you'd be hard-pressed to find a harder working bunch. We try to avoid a lot of meetings. Sometimes you'll see companies where all anyone does all day is meet and talk about their next meeting -- we try as much as possible to be hands on with everything we do. The same is true for the people who manage the company -- you take Darren "Dakota" Tabor, for instance, who runs our whole gaming network. He spends at least a couple hours a day helping to run FilePlanet.com. It's the largest game-focused download site online, and it's the place to go for downloading mods, maps, patches, etc. (In fact, I just checked it out and at 12:37 PST on Monday June 18 it reads "More than 281,700 files and 2,927 Gigabytes downloaded today")
Everyone is really integral here. Days usually start around 9-ish, and by 7PM things quiet down. But every day (inclduing weekends) there's a group of people here slaving away at one thing or another. Everyone here is a gamer, and the nice thing about working here is that everyone has a passion for what we do, so nobody minds putting in long hours when they need to. It's not uncommon to see cars in the parking lot at all hours. And of course the off-moments are filled with deathmatching or playing on the PS2 or Dreamcast.

Frans P. de Vries: Over the last two years, my living patterns have slowly adjusted to my work at Blue's and the fact that most gaming news occurs between 8am and 11pm ET. So that's basically the time I'm online (even though I live in the Netherlands), looking out for news, posting stories, or doing other site work and updates on both Blue's News and 3D Gamers. All that is interlaced with real-life chores

Adam 'Barak' Perfect: Well at the moment it involves revision for exams, the exams themselves, some coding work on InfinityBoard and checking up on Halo news and the Haloplayers forums.
Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: Well, I'm a college student so its not exactly your typical nine to five day. I have terrible insomnia, so generally I'm up until about 4 or 5 am every night, meaning I'll wake up around noon. I'll check e-mail, make a run through the forums and IRC, and try and answer some messages (On average, I'll receive about 75-100 e-mails a day now) .. If all is well with the site, I get breakfast and go through the rest of my school day. We're currently seeing some of the nicest days that Binghamton will get all year, so I try and make the most of it and get some sun. At night around eight or ninish I'll come home and start the more intensive site work that I have, and try and make room for some gaming (although admittedly I don't play as much because my system is under par for Tribes 2).
Brian Clair: Most days are pretty busy. I hop onto the computer in the morning and, except for occasional breaks, won't hop off it again until around 1-2 am in the morning.
John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: I work at what most would call a tedious job (not involving websites), but it's fun. I usually only work from 7 until noon, or sometimes only an hour running around fixing server issues. It's a loose job so my days vary, but it usually ends the same.
Home by four, check e-mail, post news, load IRC, play tribes 2/cs/infiltration, watch TiVo. From there it trails off to starting arguments in my chat room or making loved ones bleed.
Louis Wu: Heh - the days aren't consistent enough to answer that easily. I do web design and web hosting from home (for profit as well as for fun), so my days are a hodgepodge of tech support, design work, and family stuff (our oldest daughter is homeschooled).
Rob 'Keltic' Shea: My typical day involves reading email, usually a couple hundred messages a day, consisting of status updates from the site and requests for support from our members. I also read all of the new messages in the forum each day, another few hundred more messages. I have to check my email and the forum multiple times a day to prevent the messages from stacking up too much. I hang out in IRC when I can and chat with the ladder admins, players who need assistance and perspective ladder admins. When I catch up on all this and am not spending time with my wife and kids or working, I like to program new features for the site.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: Wake up, eat breakfast, pee, shower, check email, do PlanetTribes news, visit various news sites, get in car to go to work, lock keys in car / be late for work / get stuck in traffic, get to work, do work, eat lunch, get in car to go home, get home, do news, check news sites, pee, play T2, eat dinner, shower, sleep. (tJY: You only pee twice a day?)
Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: Hhmm... nothing really interesting

Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: Depends on the day! Weekdays, I typically go home and play guitar, games, and check websites. However, I'm never ever home on Fridays and am usually running in and out on weekends.
Typically, I get home from school at around 12:00 and eat lunch. I then check the sites that I'm interested in (Bungie, Mac, and music sites basically) and update rampancy.net with anything calling for attention. At around 3:00, I go to sleep because I was up all night and woke up at 6:30. Then I wake up at around 7:00 and eat food and watch TV (got sports?). I then head back to my room and play guitar or games or something. Of course, keeping the website updated is something I have to try to do, so I keep an eye out all the time.
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: A day in my life usually consists of getting up, going to work for about 12 hours, and working either on Tribes stuff, spending time with friends, or even sleeping....on my off hours!
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: It mostly involves schoolwork from Virginia Tech -- between classes, sleeping, and homework I play games, jot notes down about them for articles, post news, etc. Also, a lot of The Simpsons and Late Night with Conan O'Brien is watched -- and occasionally (By occasionally I mean frequently) alcohol is consumed.
