Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: I love to get feedback from readers who found it helpful. Those little thank-yous that people send go a long way towards keeping me here late at night.

Frans P. de Vries: In the case of 3D Gamers, providing a useful service to our visitors, and (since I have a nack for perfectionism

Adam 'Barak' Perfect: God-like status. Just kidding

The most rewarding thing is to be part of a growing community; to see that what we've done has been enjoyed by people with some still regulars on our forums from the day we launched the site.
Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: Working with TribalWar is extremely educational. I've learned so much more from the site than I have learned as a Computer Science major. I'm not highly interested in the raw math & coding approach to CS that is taken here at Binghamton. Working at TW has become my school.
Beyond that, the people on my staff are incredible. The privilege to meet and work with them has been very rewarding for me. I know most of the staff pretty well, and we've been through our crisis together, I'm looking forward to UVA3 where we can all hang out.
Brian Clair: It has to be the feedback I receive from people, whether it's positive, negative or just to discuss something that's happening in the industry (such as with my recent column).
John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: It's cool to know that someone in this crazy world looks up to you and your site as really kickass. I do it to the guys at, say, FiringSquad. It's fairly cool to think that I'm the Thresh to some CS players out there.
Louis Wu: The satisfaction of being able to bring useful information to fans... and the acknowledgement of those fans.
Rob 'Keltic' Shea: For me, it’s having people use your applications. You spend a great deal of time coding applications for the site and then seeing them get used and hearing that people enjoy using them is a great reward. It makes it all worthwhile.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: The feeling that you are contributing to a community. Also, if you improve someone’s gaming experience you are allowing them to relax / have fun / be entertained, I like knowing that I helped someone accomplish that.
Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: The most rewarding thing for me is the fact that I can give a platform to the best community in the world: The Tribes players!! Hmm ... yes, that's all I can say about this!
Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: Getting asked to do stuff like this (tJY: We're touched, really.) or when I go on bungie.net and get messages like "Are you the REAL Acrappa?" Being recognized as someone significant is simply the best part because it lets me know that people are actually reading my material day in and day out.
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: Well thats a good question. I would have to say, playing in game, and people asking me: "are you the d00d who runs tribes-universe?" Its a good feeling to see people taking advantage of all TU offers the Tribes community.
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: The money... no wait, that's the answer a whore would give (And I don't want people to know I'm a whore). The most rewarding experience has to be doing a job that is fun and that all my friends claim "can't be considered real work". Also, it's really cool to be able to talk with a bunch of the guys who make these games we spend so much time playing. Believe it or not, these guys aren't as big geeks as you think (Well not all of them).
