Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: GameSpy has a job opening page at http://www.gamespyindustries.com/jobs/. Most websites have something similar. People looking for a job right now might have a difficult time because the recent crash has flooded the market with good people who are also looking for work -- but hang in there.

Frans P. de Vries: We have no openings at Blue's, but at 3D Gamers we could use more game reviewers, and especially a Cheats Editor since that section is seriously incomplete and out-of-date. These are unpaid, voluntary positions though. Anyone interested can write to 3dgamers@3dgamers.com to introduce themselves, and we'll take it from there.
Adam 'Barak' Perfect: We don't really at the moment, but closer to the launch of Halo we'll be organising our Halo leagues whichwill need help. We'll post more info about that at the time though.
Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: We're pretty full up right now with around 15 staff members working on various things, and right now as we are still organizing a redesign of some of our backbone interfaces a lot of them are idle. If I were looking for anyone, I would be interested in folks who are excellent writers and can develop strong game related content. Those folks are few and far between. I'd really like to find someone involved deeply in the competitive community who is interested in writing articles on the games progression and match play. If you fit that description, drop an e-mail to rayn@tribalwar.com .. but the openings are so small any applicants should be advised that we are highly selective at this point.
Brian Clair: AVault brings on new people several times a year; when this occurs we post a message on our main page. At the moment we just finished a hiring period, so we probably won't be looking again for some time.
John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: Sure, rze@counter-strike.net.
Louis Wu: Anyone interested in helping out at b.org can contact any individual site (or send general mail) using the addresses found on our contact page: http://www.bungie.org/contact.html.
Many sites hunger for folks willing to contribute, either with newsgathering, site design, brainstorming for new site ideas... we continue to grow, thanks in large part to the new blood that gets assimilated every once in a while.
Rob 'Keltic' Shea: We are always on the lookout for good ladder admins, assistant ladder admins and staff writers. Interested applicants can get more information here: http://www.provinggrounds.com/admin_new.cfm.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: Well, PlanetTribes is pretty loaded at the moment. But if you really believe you could help out you could always email one of us and we’d forward it where it needs to go.
Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: No real "jobs". I need news writers, columnists and so on everytime. But (ask me) they won't get any money. I have no ad-banners on my site and it's just a thing me and some friends do with support of ea.Dancer's company "Section8 Artworks GmbH" (can you print that in bold?

Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: No.
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: Well there are no paying jobs open at the present time. All work is for community status only! People who are interested can visit www.tribes-universe.com/joinus.html - but we are pretty much well staffed now.
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: I'm not the boss at VE, so I can't really comment on that, but we are pretty happy with our current staff. It's hard to find reliable individuals -- plenty of people WANT to work for VE, few want to DO the work for VE... it's like they don't know that running a major website is hard work. So, don't contact me please!
