Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: Geez. I remember games always being a part of my life. I remember that the first game I really knew by name and wanted to play all the time was Pac-Man. I spent the next ten years begging for quarters from mom.

Frans P. de Vries: Apart from some Atari ST games, the first real experience was when a trainee at work (hi Jan-Willem!

Adam 'Barak' Perfect: A little game I had on a 386 called 'donkey'. Basically you had a little car speeding down a straight road and you had to avoid donkeys standing in the road. Very basic, lots of fun, never found out its real name

Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: My fist gaming experience was Sierra's King Quest 3 when I was in second grade. Those adventure games were the best and about all my little Tandy could handle. I never had enough RAM or CPU power to play most FPS titles. Actually Tribes is my first and only FPS, I generally don't go for the Doom style games really. I played probably every game in the Sierra series from EcoQuest to Space Quest. Great comedy in those games too.
Brian Clair: My first experience was playing Pong on one of those old black boxes you'd hook up to your TV with the paddle controllers. Great game.

John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: Rogue Spear was my first entry, Half-life would be my second. I've been a compunerd forever, but gaming on the console was just dandy for me.
Louis Wu: Gawd. Um... I remember going to Lu-Bal's (the local appliance store) with my dad in 1973 or 1974, and buying a Telstar (a Magnavox Odyssey clone), to play pong on. I'd guess that was the first.

Rob 'Keltic' Shea: PONG was the first game that I ever played.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: Long ago (if I tell you how long ago I’ll show my age…) on a very old computer with a very old game. That’s all I’ll say

Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: I had a Commodore Amiga 500 and I my favourite games were Test Drive and F-A-18 Interceptor. Then I got a PC (in january 1996) and I played some doom. But the best game ever (except of Tribes) is Quake 1! I know the day when it was released and I tried to download it but it took about 5 hrs. I started the game in 320x200 and was shocked. All was so real and all was so great!
Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: Mario Bros. for the NES. I was only around 3, but I loved playing Nintendo. I would get really frustrated when I would lose and would bite the controller. My Nintendo controllers look like they were attacked by woodpeckers.

Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: Atari 2600. Playing Combat! Man those were the days!
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: Hmm, if I remember correctly it was E.T. on the Atari 7800 -- yeah, I'm still a youngin so I don't remember the days of going to the penny arcade and playing Pong and Space Invaders until my stubs for hands bled. But I started playing games when I was 4 (My hand-eye coordination as a child was extremely poor, so my parents bought me an Atari and then later a Nintendo to help improve it) -- so I've been playing games a long time. Most of the classics that I may have missed back then, I came back to not too long ago.
