Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: I think I spent more time playing the original Quake and all its variants than any other game out there. Half-Life was pretty brilliant, as well. I'm not sure if I could pin down a single game as my favorite...
Frans P. de Vries: Hard to say, but just going by the amount of time I spent playing the various DOOM games, and countless levels and TCs for them, I guess DOOM / DOOM II are the ones

Adam 'Barak' Perfect: No idea. Tribes kept my interest for two years until tribes 2 came out so that must be up there but there are also classic games like Civilization and Championship Manager that just keep you playing for hours only to realise it's the next day.
Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: I really enjoy the Quest for Glory series from Sierra, although I didn't really like the last installment of the game (part 5) .. I think the game ran out of financial support and had to be discontinued, but the first three are all time favorites.
Brian Clair: As everyone who knows me will attest, it's got to be Master of Orion 2. That game had it all and more in spades.
John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: I'd love to say Half-Life or CS, but Deus Ex was an absolutely perfect game. I've spent more time with CS than any other game though, and it does rank up there. Nothing can beat a good SP experience, though.
Louis Wu: No contest - Marathon.
Rob 'Keltic' Shea: Oh boy, just one, I can’t do it. M.U.L.E. was a fantastic multiplayer game; I used to love gathering 3-4 players around the ol’ Commodore 64 and bleeding my friends and family dry. I learned more about economics from M.U.L.E. than from any college level econ classes. Forget graphics, it’s all about the game play. Well, having a catchy tune to hum helps too.
Also, I can’t talk about favorites without mentioning DOOM. Few games have made me jump in my seat as DOOM did. But not only was it a great single player game, the multiplayer features gave the game a second extended life. Fragging humans is infinitely more gratifying that fragging AI and DOOM started that revolution.
Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: I really loved the thrill of Descent 2. Oh, Pong too. My favorite game right now that I still play is Tribes 2 of course. Wait, that’s ALL I play - DOH!
Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: Duke Nuk'em 3d

Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: Myth is absolutely THE game, but I have some other favorites: Chrono Trigger, Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Bomberman, Mario 64, and the Zelda games.
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: Hmm.....I would have to say its a tie between Tribes and Final Fantasy III (PlayStation - on the Anthology disc)
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: That's a tough one -- I think I am going to go with Sam and Max Hit the Road, by LucasArts. Just, hands down, one of the funniest and cool adventure games ever. Another game that is up there in the rankings is the original System Shock -- Warren Spector was years ahead of everyone else with that game.
