Dave 'Fargo' Kosak: (tJY: He didn't comment

Frans P. de Vries: You're welcome

Adam 'Barak' Perfect: No problem

Anthony 'Rayn' Maio: (tJY: He didn't comment

Brian Clair: Certainly, thank you for asking me to participate.

John 'Rizzuh' Jensen: No problem, thanks for the interesting questions.
Louis Wu: Hope the answers were semi-useful!

Rob 'Keltic' Shea: (tJY: He didn't comment

Tyler 'TySoft' Lott: Huh? What? Oh, yes, no problem. Thanks for making me feel special and loved just like my goat makes me feel

Joscha 'fraGGle' Dzielak: No problem. It was a great pleasure to answer your questions and I hope that you all understood my english because I am German. Good look for Mad Dog Studios and the-junkyard.net and I hope that we all keep up the good things!
Matt 'Acrappa' Martinez: My pleasure!
Ben 'Hypn0tik' Tamler: It was my pleasure!
Manveer 'Eidolon' Heir: Yeah, yeah -- can you release my dog now? He's scared.
