Below are links that will take you around the Starsiege community. We have tried to keep this list accurate and up-to-date, but as communities grow larger and larger it becomings increasingly difficult to stay on top of things. If there are any errors, or if you'd like to update your site, please notify the webmaster.
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Buy Starsiege from
We've received many emails and posts on our forum asking where users can find a copy of Starsiege. New and used from full-packaged boxes to CDs only, has a few.
Sierra Online
The 'big daddy' company of many games. Starsiege, Tribes and Tribes 2 being among them.
Starsiege Community Forums
The official starsiege forums, hosted by Sierra. Head on over here to meet up with some of the fellow community members.
Fan Sites
Bad Karma
Hardcore mecha news for over a dozen games! Of course, Starsiege being one of covered games. [Defunct]
Bad Karma - Starsiege Sourceroom
Bad Karma's starsiege section. Up to date news and much more. [Defunct]
Hylander's House of Mech Simulation
Info, news and resources for a variety of mech games.
Nexus-Titan Starsiege Portal
An excellent Starsiege resource for all players. Downloads, information, configs and more. Worth checking out.
Rock's HQ
Rock's personal Starsiege site.
Another up to date Starsiege website. Interactive is their middle name.
Starsiege Fanfiction Database
A fanfiction site housing a database of stories covering a myriad of games including Earthsiege 1 and 2, Starsiege, SS:2845 and Tribes 1, 2 and V
Starsiege Players
Starsiege vets will remember the original headed up by Kamosa of Dynamix. This reincarnated version, resurrected in late July 2004, is headed by some of the guys from RA in an attempt to breath new life into the community.
Starsiege Universe
Your one-stop resource for Starsiege fiction.
Sun and Shadows
A large gaming community that provides hosting, SS news+content, and shelters an extensive group of writers, Ghosts of the Antipode.
The Starsiege Holdover
A great Starsiege information site, updated regularly, and hosted by tJY.
Tribes & Starsiege Players
An attempt to bring both the Tribes and Starsiege communities together, under one roof.
Wolf Pack HQ
The home of the Wolf Pack, one of the oldest squads in the Starsiege Universe.
- Submitted by: Mhaddy.