the Junkyard: Tribes 2 Weapons
Starsiege Series Tribes Series Halo Series
Tribes 2 Weapons
Weapons Weapons
Below are the weapons you'll be able to use to obliterate your opponent(s) in the game of Tribes 2. Stick them in water for an ... interesting effect :D


Chain Gun
Chain Gun

Disc Launcher
Disc Launcher

Elf Gun
Elf Gun

Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher

Laser Rifle
Laser Rifle

Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher


Plasma Gun
Plasma Gun

Shock Lance
Shock Lance

Targeting Laser
Targeting Laser

Explosives Explosives
Along with the handheld (or shoulder mounted) weapons, Tribes 2 ships with a ton of various grenades and mines. Check 'em out below.

Basic Grenade
Basic Grenade

Concussion Grenade
Concussion Grenade

Flare Grenade
Flare Grenade

Regular Mine
Regular Mine

Satchel Pack
Satchel Pack

Whiteout Grenade
Whiteout Grenade

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