the Junkyard: Tribes: Vengeance Weapons
Starsiege Series Tribes Series Halo Series
Tribes: Vengeance Weapons
Weapons Weapons
Tribes: Vengeance will include most of the original weapons in the Tribes series that makes it unique, but there will also be a few new ones that will make you drool. As new weapons/pictures are revealed I will post them here, and please keep in mind that all information is subject to change.




Energy Blade
Energy Blade


Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher


Rocket Pod
Rocket Pod

Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifle


The Burner
The Burner

Unknown Weapon
Unknown Weapon

Turrets Turrets
When you aren't able to hold your grounds; when you aren't powerful enough to take down an incoming vehicle, your turrets will be there to do the job. Tribes: Vengeance loses the smooth futuristic look and resemble todays weapons.

AA Turret
AA Turret

Deployable Turret
Deployable Turret

Deployables Deployables
Deployables are a way for players to customize a map on the spot without missing a beat. Is the flag vulnerable? Place a deployable turret in the vestibule, drop a few mines, and problem solved. Line at the inventory station too long? Put a deployable inventory station outside the base and your good to go for quick alterations. Deployables no longer reside in the same spot as regular packs, so no longer do you have to go to the inventory station to choose a deployable then run back to get the pack you need to continue playing.

Deployable Catapult
Deployable Catapult

Deployable's Station
Deployable's Station


Remote Inventory Station
Remote Inventory Station

Repair Station / Med Chest
Repair Station / Med Chest

Packs Packs
These utilities clip on to a player's belt to give the wearer unique capabilities to enhance possibilities and diversities in the gameplay. Each pack has two modes: active and passive. The pack is constantly in passive mode when worn, aiding slightly in it's specified area. When activated, the pack provides even more of a boost but only for a short amount of time. Each pack has its own energy source separate from those of your jets. The game is simplified from previous version of the game by only including four packs: the energy, repair, shield, and speed pack. Select a pack for more information.

Energy Pack
Energy Pack

Repair Pack
Repair Pack

Shield Pack
Shield Pack

Speed Pack
Speed Pack

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